Teach others how to treat you

Are you treated well by those around you? Whatever your answer, I want you to consider the idea that you have taught people how to treat you.

We do teach people how to treat us. We let them treat us poorly if we don’t call them on it when they do. And when we allow crazy behaviors that make our workplaces unsafe or not fun, we get a predictable impact.

It goes both ways. If someone treats you well, lifts you up, makes your day—reinforce that behavior! Let them know what it means to you, and by all means, return the favor.

As a team, you need to decide what your non-negotiables are for behavior and hold each other to them. In no time at all, you’ll teach each other how to treat each other, and everybody wins.

One Response to “Teach others how to treat you”

  1. Bardo says:

    Enfumage, impréparation et amateurisme dans pratiquement tous les domaines et à tous les niveaux, à part Valls et Cahuzac qui doit avaler bien des couleuvres.Si l&riiuo;snformatqon venant d’une étudiante à l’ENM est vraie (et je n’ai pas les moyens de la vérifier), même Taubira aurait simulé un malaise, ne sachant répondre à un feu roulant de questions. Dommage de la part d’une si éminente juriste.

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