How to create healthy distance in your workplace


Do you have healthy distance in the workplace? What is healthy distance?

It means that you get to disagree in a productive way. Some of the best organizations I’ve always worked with, the executives will always say to me — “It’s almost like a bloodbath when we come in and we discuss an idea; but when we walk out, we are holding hands and singing kumbaya. We make it safe to disagree, and nobody does the pouting or complaining or your are not listening to me or play any of the mind games”.

Instead, they stay in the game and attack problems and never people, and no one gets to play the victim.

Are you someone who is bringing healthy dissidence to the game? Both in challenging ideas, not people and allowing yourself to be challenged in a way that you are productively making it safe for that to happen. By doing that, you will create much better ideas, and much better results.

Enjoy the path to healthy distance.

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