Find the Best Way



A renowned sales executive in the 1900s said something that nobody has said better since. He said that the secret to sales success is to find the one best way to sell and never deviate from it.

Brilliant, isn’t it? Success leaves clues. In every job, there is a “one best way” and then there are the other attempts that can’t compete in terms of performance.

Know that for every job, every project, and every system—there is a “one best way”—seek it with all your heart and when you find it, repeat it systematically and with rigor to the attention to detail to make sure that you keep replicating phenomenal results.

One Response to “Find the Best Way”

  1. Floyd Schell says:

    The Guarantee. OK, this is optional, but it can be very powerful. Your potential buyer may be very tempted but still afraid to lose money. If you put in a satisfaction guarantee, it can convince prospects sitting on the fence to go ahead and try your product because they “have nothing to lose.”

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