Step Into Your Power

Jungian psychoanalyst Dr. James Hollis said: “The moment we say, ‘I am responsible. I am accountable. I have to deal with this.’ is the day we grow up. At least until the next time, the next regression and the next evasion.” Interesting quote!

Growing up is something we do every day when we take on challenges that we had been unwilling to take on in the past.
When we step into that level of accountability, we’re living with our power. That is what he refers to as growing up.

So, how do you step into your power today to take on the things that you see going on around you that you know just aren’t quite right?

One Response to “Step Into Your Power”

  1. Rick Petersen says:

    Love the message. So much of what people do today is always blame something else, and never consider the possibility that maybe they are responsible and never take responsibility for their own situation. Even if you truly are not responsible for your own situation there is something you can do about it.

    Does Roxanne remember this UWRF, alpha Zeta member, and former Mac hall resident?

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