Ban “Busy”

Being busy is a form of laziness—lazy thinking, and indiscriminate action. Being busy is often used as a guise for avoiding the few critically important but uncomfortable actions necessary for your next level of success.

Be careful of the words you use around other people when they ask you: “How are things going?” When you say the word “busy,” they automatically think: “Oh, you’re not doing the right things.” You have put yourself into a position of frenetic energy, as opposed to a position of powerful, result-oriented actions that make you feel good as you accomplish them.

So, ban the word “busy” from your vocabulary, and the next time somebody asks you how things are going, simply mention to them that you’re up to something big and you’re excited about the actions you are taking. It sounds so much more powerful, and it’s going to feel so much better to be the person who says those words.

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