Posts Tagged ‘Roxanne Emmerich’

Get Serious About Gossip

Sunday, November 25th, 2012

I spend a lot of time ringing the bell about gossip and how it poisons a workplace. But sometimes I wonder if the word gets in the way. When some people hear the word “gossip,” they picture a gum-chewing secretary with cat’s-eye glasses, filing her nails as she shares the latest rumor with the other secretaries in a voice like Fran Drescher.

Got the picture? Now LOSE the picture. If you only think of gossip in that stereotypical way, you’re likely to overlook it when it really happens. Any time one person in a workplace is saying something about a coworker that they wouldn’t say in front of them, 99 times out of 100, it’s harmful, it’s hurtful, and it’s gossip. And it’s usually not even accurate. If it were, they would be going to the person and making a request and taking leadership to get a change.

Don’t be confused by all the different forms gossip can take. Here are just a few:

  1. The Concern Troll: “What’s up with Judy lately? I’m getting worried about her, dragging herself in late and sleepwalking through her day like that. Have you noticed?”
  2. The Everybody Sezzer: “If Bob is angling for that promotion, he sure isn’t doing himself any favors, missing deadlines and flying off the handle at the least thing. Everybody says he’s back on those pills again.”
  3. The Heart Blesser: “Susan just doesn’t have the brains God gave a goat, bless her heart.”

Every one of these cuts another person down who isn’t present and enlists the listener in the crime. Every one has to be called out when it happens. And EVERY ONE is gossip, the sworn enemy of the productive and engaged workplace.

The first step in curing the disease is knowing the symptoms. So get serious and wipe it out of your workplace for good!

Marketing with a PLAN

Sunday, June 24th, 2012

Picture yourself in the driver’s seat of your dream car, ready to go—but the windows are all painted black and there are no gauges. You turn the key and the engine roars. You push the pedal to floor and away you go!

You’ll end up somewhere, but it won’t be pretty. (more…)

Clean that Filter!

Monday, May 14th, 2012

“I can.” “I can’t.” “I’m not good enough.” “Good stuff just happens to me.” “I always get sick every winter.”

Explanatory styles. We all have them—the filters through which we run all of life’s events. (more…)

NO is not a four-letter word! Responding to stressful times.

Sunday, May 6th, 2012

Ask Roxanne!

Dear Roxanne,

I’m seriously losing it. Our staff has been reduced again, and I’m taking on more and more. I feel like the boss is counting on me, but I have never had so many plates spinning at once, and a crash is inevitable. What can I do?—Kristina W.

Dear Kristina,

Stop treating yourself like a machine, that’s what. Working hard is a terrific thing, but the human mind and body have limits. If you push yourself beyond those limits for too long, it becomes counterproductive. (more…)

Get Your Mojo Back! Make the Crucial Decision to Engage

Sunday, April 8th, 2012

I’ve had a lot of jobs in my life. I didn’t love them all the same, and I didn’t love them all completely. But I loved them all.

Loving your job is a DECISION. Some jobs were a better fit with my skills and values, but regardless of where I was, I always found things to celebrate and be joyful about. It starts with feeling gratitude for having a job at all—something we tend to forget more and more as the time increases since we didn’t have one. Then you go from there.

Now a big part of my job is recommending that others do the same.

It’s like a marriage. Anyone who has been married more than a day knows that there are delightful, wonderful things about your spouse—as well as a few areas for improvement. (Look in the mirror and realize that your spouse can say the same.) So where do you put your focus? When we focus on the positives, the delightfuls and the wonderfuls, our marriage works much, much better.

If on the other hand we focus on all of those things that aren’t so hot, we’ll start accumulating baggage, bit by bit, until the marriage is crushed under the weight of it. Happens all the time.

The same is true for the marriage of employee and employer. No employer ever hires the perfect human being—but how would you like it if your employer chose to focus relentlessly on your imperfections? Likewise, an employee marinating in grievances about the employer will make him or herself miserable—a misery that spreads quickly to everyone around.

Roxanne Emmerich