How to Get More of What You Want

Zig Zigler, the author of “See You at the Top,” always said that the best way to get what you want is to help more people get what they want.

Boy, isn’t that the truth? What if you could help more people keep their marriages intact by teaching them how to talk through their money issues and create a system of separate accounts to give them the safety to be different, imagine the impact you could have on their happiness as a couple. What if you helped more people improve the community that you’re living in? And what if you helped the people around you be more successful in their jobs by stepping in, coaching them, automating some of the things that are being done, and building systems to make sure that they’re done the most efficient way? All those are examples of you helping more people get what they want.

By helping more people get what they want, you get more of what you want. In fact, the best way to go get the next promotion is to replace yourself and make it so you’re not necessary. Don’t be afraid to do it—in fact, it’s one of the best things you can do. Step in and help more people get more of what they want.

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