Choosing Joy can be Addictive… Here’s How You Can Get Yourself Hooked.

Woohoo, where’s the party? I’m all dressed up for New Year’s Eve. I’ve been trapped with the COVID capture for a long time, and I haven’t been out either. Yet it occurs to me that we can either be morose about the circumstances, or we can decide to be in a state of celebration. Why celebrate? Because we have air to breathe. We have good people we get to work with. We get to be of service to the world. We get to bring joy into everything that we do. It’s how we perceive the world and what we bring to it that really matters because joy is not something that needs great things in order to happen.

I don’t know about you, but I was not raised with a silver spoon in my mouth. I, in fact, grew up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin, and there was hardly enough food growing up. And we just barely eked out a living. So my recollection of growing up is that we were happy. We were joyful. We loved each other. We had a lot of fun. We had fun with neighbors. We made the best of circumstances.

So during tough economic times, it isn’t the end of the world. It’s like winter, you put on a winter coat, but you still go out. But while you’re going out, why not have some fun? Keep the joy in your spirit, decide to make life a party because you can choose misery or you can choose joy. It’s your choice.

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