Formation of Habits

Our habits create our actions, and our actions create results. And so, if we want to have better results, we have to change our habits. Now, changing habits is not an easy thing to do, but it is doable. It takes discipline, commitment, and a willingness to be uncomfortable.

All those things have to be normalized in order for us to shift a habit to make it better behavior. So, let’s say, for example, that you haven’t been doing your exercising, and you need to get some more aerobic exercise. So, gosh, that mattress feels so good in the morning, and it’s so convenient to wait for your alarm to go off. But what if you decide going forward that you are going to become a runner early in the morning before you go to work so you could shower and be ready for the day? If you were to do that, there are lots of obstacles that get in the way. “I can’t find my shoes, don’t know where my socks are, don’t know where my gym clothes are.” I have lots of reasons I can think of why I wouldn’t be going out there and running. So, what can you do to get those obstacles out of the way—put your running shoes right by the bed so, when you wake up in the morning, your feet go right in there, and you’re ready to go. Clothes are ready to go. You know lit areas so you don’t wake up your significant other, and off you go. When you’re creating a new habit, always look to see what will be the obstacles that you can assume will get in the way and build some systems around those obstacles, so they don’t keep you from creating the new habits. They’ll create even better results.

One Response to “Formation of Habits”

  1. This is a very powerful statement that I want to thank you for stating it so clearly and briefly. I believe it will help to change habits in the workforce of the bank.

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