Eradicate the “n’t” Words


Speak into what can be done, and don’t tell us what can’t be done. I refer to those words as the “n’t” words: “don’t, won’t, can’t.” Those are the words that basically hold us back.

Imagine for a second that someone says either “I can have those papers to you on Thursday” or “I can’t have those papers to you until Thursday.” You know which one sounds better, and you know which person you want to be around. And yet, it’s very unconscious for us to go into the “n’t” words. As soon as we do, the fur goes up on the back of people’s necks. They see you as not willing to be a team player.

Not only that, it’s a way that you can inspire yourself to greater results. Whenever you step into what you can do and use that language, you become more powerful in what you can make happen.

So, eradicate the “n’t” words, and start telling your team what you can do.

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