Does Your Attitude Choose You, or Do You Choose Your Attitude?

Are you having a good day? Are you creating a great day? See, there’s a question that’s important for all of us to understand— “Do our attitudes chase us down, or do we choose our attitudes?” Well, that’s interesting. You see, every great day is filled with lots of disappointments and a lot of things that go wrong. Every bad day is filled with all kinds of great things that are happening. We determine and call a day a certain way, based upon what we believe to be a list of circumstances. But the reality is that we get to choose our attitude about whatever it is that’s going on. So why don’t you choose better days? Why don’t you decide that every day is an awesome day that’s filled with opportunities for you to learn and grow and to make a difference in the world? Because by choosing a great attitude, probably less bad things will happen because you’re looking for the good things.

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