Happy New Year! How awesome is it that we get a fresh start? A chance to create something new. Maybe last year wasn’t your best year ever, and that’s okay. The great thing about being here on this earth is that we all get to feel that sense of renewal every time a new year comes around.
So, what if this year, we really commit to making it different? This year, we can apply some new disciplines. This year, we can make more miracles happen. This year, we can choose to be happier.
We can choose to be healthier. We can choose to make more friends, be better at what we do, and work towards making this year the absolute best year of our lives.
The key is to decide, right here and right now, that this is going to be your year. But here’s the most important part: forgive yourself for everything that happened in the past. I know, I know—there are a few of you out there who didn’t follow through on all the promises you made last year, and now you’re beating yourself up about it. But listen—guilt and shame? They’re just excuses to repeat the cycle.
You don’t want to stay stuck in that. What you need to do is let go of all that, because no matter what happened, it’s over. Now, it’s time to start fresh.
So, let’s make this the best year yet. Be a contributor in ways you never thought possible—at work, with your family, with your friends. Step up to a life of contribution, and I promise you, this will be your best year ever.