What if you started today, and every day, by asking yourself this question: What kind of person would I like to be today? What one word would describe me? Well, that’s an interesting thought. Maybe you’re gonna say kind. Well, that would change the way you’d go about your day. Or maybe you’d be innovative. That would change the way you’d go about the day. Or maybe it’d be resourceful. I’ll just figure everything out. That too would shape the choices you made throughout the day.
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The Not-So-Innocent Bystander
Monday, May 27th, 2019Back in college, my closest friends and I would joke around continuously. We’d laugh and we’d laugh. But sometimes, the joking would go just a little bit too far. We’d joke about someone in a way we wouldn’t do if they were there with us.
In those moments, I’d sit back and tell myself that if I weren’t the one overstepping the invisible boundary, well then, I was innocent. I was wrong about that.
You see, I could have stepped in. I could have voiced my opinion with saying “this is not okay!”
But I didn’t.
How often do you passively watch things occur that are inconsistent with your standard of ethics? Imagine just how easy it would be to step in.
Focus on orchestrating only ‘good things around you. Diligently intervene when you see otherwise.
Standing passively by is not the same as standing innocently by.
Show Appreciation This Thanksgiving Week
Thursday, November 17th, 2016It’s Thanksgiving week—a week where we show appreciation. And it’s a good time to remember that the people we work with are not perfect.
Our bosses? Not perfect. Our companies? Not perfect.
But, what an opportunity to appreciate the perfection within them, the wonderful things they do, and the caring they give.
Let me ask you this—if you were to sit down and ask yourself every morning, “What are three things I’m really appreciative of?” I suspect that you’ll find—if you force yourself to say something new every day—that the list would be UNLIMITED.
So today, go around to the people you appreciate, thank them for what they do. Thank your boss for the fact that you have a job. Thank your company for making sure you get a pay check every week. And be in that gracious spirit because the spirit of Thanksgiving is alive and well.
Who You Are When No One is Looking?
Monday, November 10th, 2014Imagine that your boss goes away for a few days. You’ve been working soooo hard, and now, finally, you’re free from the pressure of your employers.
You still come into work, of course. You still sit at the same desk. You still drink the same coffee and eat at the same time. But how have you changed?
Do you still bring the same energy, seize the same opportunities, work just as hard as before? Or do you find ways to cut corners and slack off because, you know, who’s gonna know?
Only you can truthfully answer these questions.
At the end of each day, you can convince yourself that you worked soooo hard, can convince yourself that you’ve contributed soooo much. And maybe you have. Only you know.
And the best indicator of who you are for real is who you are when no one is looking. Character is revealed when no one is watching.