Posts Tagged ‘project planning’

Chunking Time

Monday, November 23rd, 2015

There are better and worse ways to divide our time and focus. Let’s say you have three big projects for the month and each one has ten components. That’s thirty little bits that need doing.

So far so good! You’ve divided a big project into smaller steps so you can feel and track your progress better. That’s a proven way to improve productivity. But if you do a tiny bit here and a tiny bit there, skipping among the projects, checking each one off the list as you get to it, it fragments your progress. This kind of approach can shatter your focus, and you’ll wear yourself out with the constant shifting of gears.

The magic is this—things get done when time is allotted for them. Every week should start with making a list of the most important things that must be done that align with the key roles, tasks, and responsibilities of your job. Then, put As, Bs, and Cs in front of each and make sure that the As are scheduled into blocked time in your calendar. If you allot 50 minutes to complete one, no matter what, make sure you are complete at that time by making sure you focus and are not interrupted. If you have a customer-facing job with tasks, make sure someone knows they are covering for you with customers and that you are in lock down.

Researchers have found that the feeling of making real progress is at or near the top in motivation—way ahead of traditional incentives like raises and bonuses. So give yourself the boost that matters most by chunking your time so you can feel that progress happening!

Stop Quitting a Project Without Finishing It

Sunday, January 20th, 2013

When have you REALLY finished a project? When you KNOW the conditions of the project are completely satisfied.

All projects are like a sandwich, and the conditions of satisfaction are the bread. Before you even start the project, get the conditions of satisfaction from your boss—as much detail as possible about when it needs to be done, what the components are, and what things need to be included in the final project for it to be a success. (more…)