Posts Tagged ‘Workplace Performance’


Monday, October 3rd, 2011

* Transcription

Thank God it’s Monday!® Bosses do not like surprises. That’s one of the many reasons you should over-communicate with your boss whenever possible.

At the beginning of a project or initiative, get clear directions about the results and processes that he or she expects. Then as you work, report frequently on where you are in the process, what your struggles are and what you’re doing to overcome them. Never leave out the bad news—your struggles, your roadblocks; a manager who only hears ‘happy-happy, joy-joy’ will quickly turn suspicious and out comes the snoopy nose.

A boss I had in my twenties used to say, “Tell me the good news, tell me the bad news, but don’t ever surprise me.” I didn’t—and as a result—he never micromanaged my work. Daily and weekly reporting about where you are compared to your work plan will earn trust and everybody will be happy.

Have a great Monday!


Roxanne Emmerich’s Thank God It’s Monday!® How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love climbed to #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list and made the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists—all in the first week of its release. Roxanne is renowned for her ability to transform “ho-hum” workplaces into dynamic, results-oriented, “bring-it-on” cultures. If you are not currently receiving the Thank God It’s Monday!® e-zine and weekly audios, subscribe today at

Love this audio message? You may also download the MP3 version and PDF transcript below:

Download Instructions: Right-click the download button(s) and
choose ‘save link as…’ to save the file to your computer.

Under-Promise and Over-Deliver

Monday, August 8th, 2011

* Transcription

Thank God it’s Monday!™ Have you ever ordered a pizza, the guy on the phone said it would be an hour, and it shows up in 30 minutes? You’re pumped!

Or how about the last time you ordered a book off of Amazon? They said it would take 7 to 10 business days. When it arrives on day 2, you are one happy customer.

Coincidence? Not a chance. You’re just lucky? I don’t think so. This is pure marketing. It’s called
under-promise and over-deliver. And that way, when someone receives your ‘over’ delivery, they are more enthused and love you even more.

Have a great Monday!


Roxanne Emmerich’s Thank God It’s Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love climbed to #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list and made the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists—all in the first week of its release. Roxanne is renowned for her ability to transform “ho-hum” workplaces into dynamic, results-oriented, “bring-it-on” cultures. If you are not currently receiving the Thank God It’s Monday e-zine and weekly audios, subscribe today at

Love this audio message? You may also download the MP3 version and PDF transcript below:

Download Instructions: Right-click the download button(s) and
choose ‘save link as…’ to save the file to your computer.

Learn to Say No

Monday, June 27th, 2011

* Transcription

Thank God it’s Monday!™ It’s every single day. Someone finds you out of nowhere, and asks you to help them in some way or another. How do you say no?

First, realize that it is completely fine to say no when appropriate. Say a client suggests that you come by their office for a conversation that would ordinarily take 10 minutes. But now with the commute, you’re looking at an hour—maybe an hour and a half. An hour you can’t afford to give up today.

Allow the client to make that decision for you. Perhaps you could conduct this conversation over the webcam. Tell your client that this would eliminate the required charge for out of office consulting.

Or perhaps Chris, from the cubicle next to yours, pokes his head around the corner in hopes that you can help him with a project he’s been assigned to. Make it clear that you appreciate his thinking of you, but that you will not be able to assist him until Tuesday, or whatever it may be.

Commit yourself to the tasks that are the highest and best use of your time. Learn to say no to the rest when appropriate.

Have a great Monday!


Roxanne Emmerich’s Thank God It’s Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love climbed to #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list and made the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists—all in the first week of its release. Roxanne is renowned for her ability to transform “ho-hum” workplaces into dynamic, results-oriented, “bring-it-on” cultures. If you are not currently receiving the Thank God It’s Monday e-zine and weekly audios, subscribe today at

Love this audio message? You may also download the MP3 version and PDF transcript below:

Download Instructions: Right-click the download button(s) and
choose ‘save link as…’ to save the file to your computer.

The End of Adult Day Care

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

Human beings come equipped with massive contradictions and imperfections. Our emotions battle with our intellect. Our community spirit wrestles with our selfishness. We think thoughts both lofty and low and emit smells both lovely and, uh… not.

Give the Minimum, Get the Ax

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

A great new feature was added to credit card statements last year. You’ve probably seen it. Pay the minimum due each month, it says, and you’ll end up paying two or three times as much over the course of 10 or 17 or 22 years. Add just a few dollars more each time, though, and you’ll polish off the balance in 2-3 years and save thousands of dollars.