Archive for the ‘Improving Morale’ Category

Attitude is EVERYTHING

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

Lyle Spencer is a research wonk—the kind of guy whose name keeps showing up attached to solid, smart research.  So when he discovered a straightforward logarithmic relationship between service improvements and revenue, I sat up and took notice.

Here it is:  For every one percent improvement in service climate, there is a two percent increase in revenue.  Improve your service by 25 percent and you’ll improve your revenue by half.

And if you’re a regular on this blog, you already know the key to improving your service.  All together now: EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT! (more…)

Keeping the Party Alive

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

I’ve got to tell you – I’m a little mixed about this whole Wells Fargo thing.

People are having a lot of fun right now waggling their fingers at corporate overspending.  The Germans (who have a word for everything – remember Fahrvergnugen?) have a word for this kind of fun:  Schadenfreude, or delighting in somebody else’s misfortune.

And yes, it’s fun to point and laugh at people like John Thain, driving their companies into multibillion-dollar nosedives while buying $1400 wastecans and $35,000 antique toilets.

But Wells Fargo’s supposed sin is quite different.

In case you haven’t heard, they’ve taken quite a flogging in the press and in Congress for planning to fly their top people to Vegas for a big recognition event after receiving bailout money.

Sure, the planned event was pretty lavish – just the latest in a long Wells Fargo tradition that has included wine-tasting trips, helicopter junkets, and even a private Jimmy Buffett concert in the Bahamas for a thousand employees.  The Vegas trip was to include twelve days and nights on the Strip.

Now it’s been called off.

So why are my feelings mixed?  (more…)

After the Ax— Keeping Employees Engaged After Layoffs

Friday, February 6th, 2009

There’s no sugarcoating it—it’s just not pretty out there.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics counted 2,275 “mass actions” (layoffs of 50 or more) for the fourth quarter—a total of nearly a quarter million lost jobs.  And that doesn’t even count the uncountable smaller layoffs.

Every one of these is tragic for the laid off individuals and their families.  But there’s another issue that’s been less talked about—the folks and the companies that are left behind.

You know that employee motivation and engagement are key to the success of your company in good times and in bad.  So how do you get morale back where it needs to be and keep it there after the ax has fallen? (more…)