Archive for the ‘Employee Engagement’ Category

How would your higher self handle this?

Monday, October 31st, 2022

Maybe you already know the biggest problem that’s going to hit you today. When it does, have a conversation with yourself. How would my higher self handle this?

Let’s see. My higher self probably wouldn’t get explosive. My higher self probably wouldn’t start running for the hills. My higher self would probably say: “This will need some resourcefulness. I guess I’d better get my game on here, because I’m going to have to solve this.”


Stop saying “But you said”

Monday, September 12th, 2022

What one person says is often not what another person hears. Why is that? It’s because communication is challenging, and the communication from one person’s lips to somebody else’s brain rarely stays intact. One person can say one thing, and the other person listening can genuinely hear something else.

If you have six people all listening to the same person speaking, you’ll often have two or three different versions of what was heard. It’s important to become the person who says “what I heard was” instead of “what you said was.”


To Activate Others, Bring the Energy!

Monday, August 8th, 2022


To activate others to be enthusiastic, you must first become enthusiastic yourself.

We have an energy that transfers to others around us.

You know a person who walks into the workplace exhausted—they pull the energy out of everyone around them.

You’ve had your energy pulled from that person. Perhaps you’ve even been that person.

Alternatively, if you choose to come into the office with an enthusiastic mindset and belief system.

And you choose energy—even though you’re exhausted, even though you’ve been working hard—that, too, is contagious.

Are you the kind of person whom others want around to catch the energy that you have?

Ask yourself that every day and decide to bring the energy to the game.

Be “At Cause”

Monday, July 25th, 2022


John Lavelle said: “Ecstasy is a full deep involvement in life.”

What does that mean? Basically, what he’s saying is be “at cause.” Be the person who sees what needs to get done and then step in and make it happen.

Look at the person who supervises you. I bet they could use some help making things happen. Look at your customers. I bet they have other needs that aren’t being met. Look around everywhere around you. I bet you have coworkers who could really benefit by what you have to offer.

Be at cause so that you can experience the full deep involvement in life. You’re the one who steps in and makes great things happen.

The Sunset Rule

Friday, August 27th, 2021

Do you ever get annoyed with other people?

Of course you do—especially with people that you work alongside.

Why? Because you all have to create outcomes together, and when something doesn’t go right, it often feels like you’re unsupported by others.

Annoyance goes up, and people let you down. If you let that annoyance continue to build, it becomes a worse problem.
