How do you get to Carnegie Hall?

You know the line…How do you get to Carnegie Hall? “Practice, Practice, Practice!”

Well, how do you get successful in your career?

Just three things: Hit your numbers. Hit your deadlines. And live the values of the organization.

Yes, there are a million things to do and you don’t have enough time. BUT the question is, how will you hit your numbers and deadlines regardless of those things, regardless of the lack of time?

True enough, the economy isn’t supportive and the competition is brutal, so there are many reasons you can’t hit your numbers. But what if you decided to anyway?
What would you have to change to make that happen?

A person of value is someone who consistently does the things others can’t or won’t do. They get results regardless of circumstances. They focus on the basics, and they get the job done, in part because it doesn’t occur to them that failure is an option.

It’s simply not on the list of possibilities.

Think about it this way—What if the person who handles payroll approached the job with an attitude of, “I’ll see if I can figure out how to get it done”?

That’s right. You got it now, didn’t you. What most people miss is that results are a non-negotiable in ALL jobs—not just in payroll.

Hit your numbers. Hit deadlines. Live values. That’s the way forward.

One Response to “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?”

  1. Sou muito suspeito a falar mas muito merecido o Rappa no Lolla em Chicago e tenho certeza de que é apenas mais um paço pra muitas conquistas que a banda ainda alcançara.

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