Accepting Feedback Can Be Hard



Accepting feedback can be hard. We don’t like to hear that we’re not perfect.
But guess what…7 billion people on planet Earth and not one of us has it completely going on. We all have imperfections, it’s part of the human condition. So get over it.

And, in fact, the people giving you feedback are coming from the right space. The worst thing you can do is shut that down. If you’re a person who naturally becomes defensive whenever receiving feedback, you probably know that about yourself. But just because that’s who you used to be, doesn’t mean that’s who you are. So be intentional.

When someone’s giving you feedback, even if it’s hurting on the inside, say, “Thank you, what else can I learn from you about how to do this better?” By getting into the spirit and doing the things that confident people do, you will melt down your defensiveness. And as a result, increase your results and your joy at work. I promise.

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