How to Snap Out of Mental Inertia


They say that more than 90 percent of our thoughts each day are basically a regurgitation of the thoughts from the day before. That’s unfortunate, isn’t it?


What if you thought better thoughts? Clearer thoughts? Thoughts of bigger possibilities? Thoughts that weren’t defeating yourself esteem or judgmental of you not being enough. What if instead you thought about making a bigger impact? Or being able to overcome circumstances instead of thinking thoughts of “why you can’t?”


Your thoughts create your behaviors and your behaviors create your activities and your activities create your results. If you want better results, you need better thoughts. Force yourself to be attentive to the quality of your thinking and watch how easily your results shift for the better.

Warning. You had better be prepared for success…

One Response to “How to Snap Out of Mental Inertia”

  1. Roxanne says:

    This message cannot be overstated!

    To change one’s thought processes requires a daily commitment.

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