Thank God It's Monday®! Blog

Better Than Santa Claus…


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you!

As I think about my life growing up, I loved Christmas because, well, we would get presents! And as a kid, that was a really cool thing.

Be Present with Others

As an adult though, I’ve learned that there’s something even better than receiving presents and that is being present for other people.

Being there with them. Listening to them. Hearing what’s going on in their lives. Finding ways to help them!

That is the great opportunity!

So as you begin this holiday season, think about how you could be more present to those that you love—to those that you love at work. And let’s face it, we do get to love the people we work with because we often spend more time with them than we do with our own families.

Learning to be present with others brings great power. Let’s give it a try.

Merry Christmas to you.

– Roxanne Emmerich

Never Underestimate the Influence of Compassion


Have you ever thought about what your legacy is going to be?

It doesn’t have to be that you become Gandhi or Martin Luther King. Maybe just making an impact on one or two people every once in a while, where you kind of rock their world and shape their world in a different way, is your calling.

Being in a world where you are in the customer service experience gives you a great opportunity to help people see the world differently. I was talking to a CEO this morning who said that one of his friends who’s a pediatrician said what he felt most sad about during the COVID crisis was that he couldn’t see the small children to protect them, those who have bruises on their body. And what he was saying is that with many people trapped in their homes and losing their jobs and kind of losing their minds as a result, small children are in harm’s way and unable to be protected.

Who could you be where you could be motivating people to be better people and to remember to stay calm and good during challenging times?

Who could you be to help people who are frantic about not being in a good place financially during difficult times, and lifting them up to have them see a world of possibilities and inspiring them to take first actions?

Who do you need to be?

Listen, the world doesn’t go around because once in a while a great leader comes by. We’re all called to be great leaders. And when we get away from ourselves and get about other people, that’s when our own lives begin to work so much better as well. So, as you move from the success in your life to the significant stage of your life, where you’re making an impact on others, success just comes so much more easily. Enjoy your legacy path and be conscious about it.

What impact will you make today?

When Things are Chaotic, be a Stellar Communicator with your Manager


Does your direct supervisor know exactly what you’re working on this week and what kind of results you’re committed to making happen? In addition, the kind of exceptions happening and what you’re doing about those? If not, you might call your manager a micromanager, but let me assure you, they may not be a micromanager. You have made them into one.

You see managers are responsible for the outcomes of the job for all their direct reports. They should have great visibility into the status of every project such as who’s being called, what kinds of things are you talking to them about? Where are the exceptions? What kind of results are you getting? Where are you having problems getting the results? What are you doing about that, etc. Without complete communication and the status of every project known, that manager is put in a very uncomfortable spot. If they can’t deliver on the outcomes and see the inputs being managed properly, guess what? They now become a micromanager.

When that happens, that doesn’t look good for you because it basically means you’re letting them down. Step in and be an authentic communicator that creates great visibility. And if you have a problem, bring it up and talk about what you’re doing about it, so your manager won’t be surprised that something broke down or some number didn’t get hit. What they don’t want to hear about is that you’re covering it up and not making it completely visible, as well as your plan to get around it.

Build some great visibility in everything you do and make sure that you give your manager a phenomenal daily or weekly report, at a minimum, a monthly report as well, about the exact status of everything, so they don’t have to ask. And think of the time you’ll save for both of you.

Set Your Own Standards: The Simple Secret to Success


Your success in life will perfectly align with the standards you set for yourself.

So, if you’re the kind of person that will turn in a report that’s filled with typos and grammatical errors, and as a result of it, your supervisor has to spend the night or the weekend working to correct your work, what does that say about you? What does it say about your character? What does it say about your commitment to excellence? It shows, doesn’t it? Yet, many people get very comfortable having low standards for themselves…low customer service standards, low standards on the outcomes that they create, and low standards on the product that they produce.

What if instead, you set the intention of, “I’m just going to raise my standards. I’m going to hold myself to higher standards. I’m going to double-check my work every time before I send it in. I’m going to go study a little bit every night and get better at the things I’m weak at. I’m going to choose to, in every customer encounter, blow that customer away by creating my own customer service standards that far exceed the customer service standards of my organization.”

If you’re to hold yourself to higher standards, you can only imagine what the accumulation of a lot of good choices will create for you. Today, choose consciously to have higher standards and set a note for yourself every single day this week to plan to have, and demonstrate, great standards of excellence in everything you do at work and at home.

In Crisis, There’s No Time For Nonsense

In difficult times, there’s no time for nonsense. Forgive yourselves everything from the past, but right now there is no time for excuses. There is no time for whining and complaining about what doesn’t work. There’s no time for gossip, whether you spread it or are receiving it. In fact, that should be a non-negotiable at all times, because that makes for an unsafe work environment.

Instead, this is the time to bring your highest and best self to work every single day, to also find ways to do things that you never thought that you could. Listen, everything that someone’s a master at, they didn’t use to be a master at it. So why would you be different? If you’re not good at grammar and spelling, use these challenging times to go home at night, read a couple of books, get online, take some testing, learn grammar and spelling, become a master. If you’re not good at marketing copy, go figure that piece out. If you’re not good at sales processes, go decide to be a master of it. Whatever it is that is your profession, step in, get good at it, and allow no-nonsense from yourself or from anyone else in your organization.

These are the times where everyone wants to be a leader, and if you’re waiting for someone else to say, no, we don’t do things like that around here, let me assure you that that nonsense will be the reason that layoffs will happen and that your salaries will be frozen. So step in and be a shepherd of your culture right now.