Row, Row, Row Your Boat

* Transcription

Thank God it’s Monday!™ I recently heard a great analogy at a conference about how to bring great wisdom into our lives. I just have to share it with you. Remember the song: Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream? I’m really glad I didn’t have to sing for you. Now, I KNOW this doesn’t sound like rocket science but actually, it’s better than rocket science. Let’s dissect it.

Row YOUR boat… not somebody else’s. In other words, keep your nose clean out of other people’s business. If you stay solidly focused on YOUR boat, you can achieve greatness with sanity.

Gently down the stream…

It doesn’t say create a battle… It doesn’t say go up the stream… so stop making things so hard. Choose ease and grace.

Merrily… yes, that is a choice. You can encounter mosquitoes to swat, rapids, and all of life’s speed bumps, but YOU get to choose to meet each one MERRILY—but that is a choice and that choice is YOURS. You get to make it and it is a dream, it is your dream. You get to create as much joy, abundance, and love as you want in your dream or as much heart ache, pain, and struggle. Just by changing your attitude, the ride down the stream turns to a beautiful experience.

Enjoy YOUR trip.

Have a great Monday!


Roxanne Emmerich’s Thank God It’s Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love climbed to #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list and made the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists—all in the first week of its release. Roxanne is renowned for her ability to transform “ho-hum” workplaces into dynamic, results-oriented, “bring-it-on” cultures. If you are not currently receiving the Thank God It’s Monday e-zine and weekly audios, subscribe today at

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