I Wonder…

* Transcription

Thank God it’s Monday!™ I Wonder… What REALLY amazing thing will happen today?

I learned a great thing a few weeks ago from one of my team members. She said she wakes up in the morning and says to herself, “I wonder what really amazing thing will happen today?”

No, her name is NOT Pollyanna.

And she really got my attention when she then started coming into my office telling me about the really great things that happened to her each day. Hmmmmm… I was so motivated by her breakthroughs that I thought… Hey, I’m going to try this… and so I did! I now wake up every morning and say to my beloved, “Wake up, wake up! We have to go find out what really amazing thing is going to happen today!” Yep, he was a little annoyed at first.

But let me tell you what happened. We both started finding that more and more better things were happening because we were focusing our reticular activating systems (that’s that part of our brains that pulls things into focus) on creating better things. So, might I suggest to you that your life outcomes may change substantially by being in the question of… I wonder what really amazing thing is going to happen today?

Have a great Monday!


Roxanne Emmerich’s Thank God It’s Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love climbed to #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list and made the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists—all in the first week of its release. Roxanne is renowned for her ability to transform “ho-hum” workplaces into dynamic, results-oriented, “bring-it-on” cultures. If you are not currently receiving the Thank God It’s Monday e-zine and weekly audios, subscribe today at www.ThankGoditsMonday.com.

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