Posts Tagged ‘Customer Service Training’

The Unbeatable Human Touch

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

My car is like a second home.  I can leave home and still do everything except go to the bathroom—though I’m sure Detroit is working on that one. In my car I can check e-mail on my PDA, have a conference call, and pick up a no-foam skim latte.  I have my makeup application timed to two full stoplights.  And I’m not the only one, of course.  I’ve seen people reading, shaving, even changing their clothes while driving!

And when I bank from my car, which I often do, and I see the twin driveways marked “ATM” and “TELLER,” it’s a no-brainer.  I’m a teller kind of gal.

I remember when ATMs first appeared in the early 80s.  And along with everyone else, I was smitten at first with this round-the-clock money-spitter.  There’s no question that all of our Jetsons-like technology is convenient, but I have to wonder—in the process of making things easier, have we lost something of real value?

I think we have.  What we’ve lost is each other. (more…)

Don’t Let the Regulations Get You Down!

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

The age of lax regulation is so over.  The long arm of the federal government is back in business.  It isn’t just the new Democratic administration—everything from leaded toys to salmonella peanuts to Bernard Madoff and the meltdown-and-bailout itself has renewed the government’s appetite for big-time oversight.

The financial industry is first in line for the Washington woodshed.  Congress is picking out one helluva hickory switch, firming up guidelines for making loans and increasing the capital requirements to back those loans up.  Even the derivatives market, long under the radar, is about to get a regulatory colonoscopy.

But don’t think for a minute that it will stop with the financials.  Manufacturing, transportation, energy, communications, retail—everybody is looking at a year of being looked at very, very closely.

So how best to respond to all this?  By taking advantage of the golden opportunity it presents. (more…)

Feeling Disengaged? Choose Service, and Joy will Follow

Monday, February 2nd, 2009

I spend a lot of time on airplanes and just had a trip that consisted of two very different flights.

A lot was identical about the two.  Same kind of plane, with three attendants and two pilots, and the same airline.  Both flights were the same length and same time of day.  Both were on time.

Yet one was pure YUCK, while the other was YUM.  What accounts for the difference?  It was the decision of one person to be of profound service to those around him. (more…)

Keeping Employees in the Loop

Thursday, January 29th, 2009

Did you happen to see the article in Business Week about employee engagement at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas? If not, you really must.  If you have, read it again.  It goes right to the heart of a question I’m hearing a lot right now:  “We have good employee engagement, but how do I KEEP them engaged in this tough economy?”  (I’ll give you the link at the end.)

You may have already heard about the Grand’s reputation as a leader in employee engagement.  They made the connection between customer service and employee engagement long before many others on the Strip.  And they treat their 10,000 employees (no, my zero key isn’t stuck) like the solid gold assets they are.

It’s no coincidence, then, that even in the teeth of an economic downturn, the MGM Grand continues to soldier on at 96 percent occupancy.  Happy employees will give you happy customers, every time.

One of the centerpieces of the Grand’s engagement strategy is keeping their staff in the loop. (more…)