Posts Tagged ‘Employee Motivation Ideas’

TGIM e-zine: October 18, 2010

Monday, October 18th, 2010

Issue 100 ~ October 18, 2010

In this Issue:

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Shake It Up a Bit

Monday, October 4th, 2010

* Transcription

Thank God it’s Monday!™ Stuck in a rut? We’ve all been there. You wake up and eat the same thing, tasteless but sustainable. You walk into the office, casually greet the same people, and continue on, hardly listening to what your coworkers have to say. You work. You go home. And then you do it again.

Routines keep us grounded to a certain extent. There is a comfort in having a sense of life’s direction—even if that direction is circular.

But why not spice things up? Instead of saying, “Morning, Bob,” throw him a high five. Heck, make it a behind-the-back high five!

Instead of reading the paper during your lunch break, grab Chris, the new guy that you haven’t spent much time with and chat it up a bit!

You’ll be amazed at the shift in attitude these simple changes can make.

Have a great Monday!


Roxanne Emmerich’s Thank God It’s Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love climbed to #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list and made the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists—all in the first week of its release. Roxanne is renowned for her ability to transform “ho-hum” workplaces into dynamic, results-oriented, “bring-it-on” cultures. If you are not currently receiving the Thank God It’s Monday e-zine and weekly audios, subscribe today at

Love this audio message? You may also download the MP3 version and PDF transcript below:

Download Instructions: Right-click the download button(s) and
choose ‘save link as…’ to save the file to your computer.

Focus, Focus, Focus

Monday, August 30th, 2010

* Transcription

Thank God it’s Monday!™ Is your brain like a pin ball machine? The lever is pulled back then the ball goes, bing, bing, bing, bing, and bounces wildly along. It looks like, “Oh, I better finish that report. No, no, stop that, I need to get ready for the sales meeting. Hey, I never called Jack back. What’s his number? Hang on, hang on. I can’t forget to stop on the way home for bread.”

Yep, you know that brain. We all have it. But some people know how to tame the monkeys in their brains better than others.

Start your day by looking at your quarterly plan and ask yourself, “What is the highest and best use of my time today?” Then make your list and order it. When you start on the first, and are distracted, immediately go back to the first and finish it off before moving to number two on your list.

Focus, Focus, Focus.

Have a great Monday!


Roxanne Emmerich’s Thank God It’s Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love climbed to #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list and made the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists—all in the first week of its release. Roxanne is renowned for her ability to transform “ho-hum” workplaces into dynamic, results-oriented, “bring-it-on” cultures. If you are not currently receiving the Thank God It’s Monday e-zine and weekly audios, subscribe today at

Love this audio message? You may also download the MP3 version and PDF transcript below:

Download Instructions: Right-click the download button(s) and
choose ‘save link as…’ to save the file to your computer.

Do I Haaave To?

Monday, August 9th, 2010

* Transcription

Thank God it’s Monday!™ You hear it all the time. I have to pick up my kids. I have to go to work now. I have to do that project.

What if you changed your language to say I get to pick up the kids now? I get to go to work now. And I get to do that project.

Wow, don’t you just feel better already?

Our language reveals our inner most thoughts, and if you are a “have to” person, you are revealing that you live your life primarily within the “victim archetype.” Ouch. That doesn’t feel good to think about. But, the truth will, you know… set you free.

Simply by changing your language, you’ll feel better about your life because you’ve taken yourself out of the victim role and putting yourself into a powerful position of being at choice.

And yes, you get to choose the language every day.

Have a great Monday!


Roxanne Emmerich’s Thank God It’s Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love climbed to #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list and made the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists—all in the first week of its release. Roxanne is renowned for her ability to transform “ho-hum” workplaces into dynamic, results-oriented, “bring-it-on” cultures. If you are not currently receiving the Thank God It’s Monday e-zine and weekly audios, subscribe today at

Love this audio message? You may also download the MP3 version and PDF transcript below:

Download Instructions: Right-click the download button(s) and
choose ‘save link as…’ to save the file to your computer.

Your Vulnerability is Your Strength

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

* Transcription

Thank God it’s Monday!™ Being a human can be a little rough some times. In our minds, we want to be perfect. Then, we find out, SURPRISE, we’re not. Dang. When we make that discovery, we immediately begin to beat ourselves up. But that lowers our self-esteem causing us to, well, mess up even more. And now the downward spiral is in place and the suck hole owns our self-esteem.

How do you break the pattern? How do you get your self-esteem back when you discover that you really aren’t that organized and that sometimes your ideas aren’t that perfect?

By getting real. Simply telling the people around you, “Hey, I’m working hard on getting
organized and sometimes, in the past, I know I’ve been a bit of a train wreck. Know that I’m working on it and I’m coachable if you have advice that could help me.”

Bam! Just one authentic conversation and suddenly two really great things will happen. First, people will stop beating you up for being such a mess AND they’ll step in to help. More important, you’ll feel better about you because you’ve been authentic and put the truth out there.

Have a great Monday!


Roxanne Emmerich’s Thank God It’s Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love climbed to #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list and made the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists—all in the first week of its release. Roxanne is renowned for her ability to transform “ho-hum” workplaces into dynamic, results-oriented, “bring-it-on” cultures. If you are not currently receiving the Thank God It’s Monday e-zine and weekly audios, subscribe today at

Love this audio message? You may also download the MP3 version and PDF transcript below:

Download Instructions: Right-click the download button(s) and
choose ‘save link as…’ to save the file to your computer.