Posts Tagged ‘Happy at Work’

The Limits of Compassion (and yes, there are some)

Thursday, July 15th, 2010
© Beatrice Killam |

© Beatrice Killam |

I am human.  And I’m willing to bet that four out of five readers of this column are human, too.

As humans, we come equipped with massive contradictions and imperfections.  Our emotions battle with our intellect.  Our community spirit wrestles with our selfishness.  We think thoughts both lofty and low and emit smells both lovely and, uh…not.

But when we come together in the workplace, we’re making a deal with each other to bring our higher, stronger, better selves to the game.  It’s not that our weaknesses cease to exist, but they do cease to ride shotgun on our day.

There are days when I’m running on two cylinders or less—not enough sleep, not enough breakfast, too many pressures, bad news, whatever.  You have to figure at least one out of every four people around you feels about the same on any given day.

Now suppose we all had permission to give full expression to those feelings—you’d have 25 percent of the people in any given workplace whining, sighing, crying, or screaming their way through the day. The drain on productivity would be impossible.  Forget about achieving anything great or being of profound service, even on your own good days.

A little expression of fatigue or frustration once in a while is fine, and we can all be there for each other at those times.  But then there are the people who seem to have woven dramatic emotional displays into their job description, day after day after day.

Not okay.

Approach this carefully by all means, but for the sake of everyone’s sanity, DO approach it.  Start by expressing genuine concern.  Is there something going on in this person’s life that they’d like to talk about?  Is there anything you can do to help?

If he or she waves off your attempts to help and continues to be a vortex of negative energy, ramp it up a bit.  Ask Human Resources or your immediate manager if anything can be done to assist the person—and drop a mention of how long it has gone on and how difficult it is to work well in the presence of such displays.

If you have offered personal concern AND attempted to get help at a higher level and no improvement is made, it’s time to call in that mutual contract, that unspoken but rock-solid agreement to bring our higher, stronger selves to work.  Let the person know gently but firmly that something’s gotta give, that she MUST take advantage of offers of help, that the situation is impacting the work and attitudes of those around her.

If no improvement is forthcoming, it is incumbent on you to return to management with a stronger insistence that something be done.

Sticks and Stones Can Break My Bones…

Monday, July 12th, 2010

* Transcription

Thank God it’s Monday!™ The other night as I was working late, in comes Matt, the man who cleans our offices. He mentioned that he heard me discuss gossip on a Minneapolis television special. He went on to say that for years he’s been cleaning offices, and that he never ceases to be shocked about how much gossip he hears people spew while he’s cleaning around them. “Don’t they get that as soon as they walk away from that gossip, that they’ll be the next victim?” he asked.

Good point, Matt. People who gossip aren’t discriminating and neither are those who listen to it.

Try a little experiment. Do the opposite. Decide to say something positive about everyone you work around. At the end of the day, see how you feel about yourself. IF someone says something nasty about another, tell them a nice thing about that person and ask them to please go make a direct request of that person they’re complaining about.

Now, THAT makes it all interesting. You get to feel good about YOU, AND you get to teach others around you how to be of excellent character.

Have a hoot spreading the joy…

Have a great Monday!


Roxanne Emmerich’s Thank God It’s Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love climbed to #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list and made the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists—all in the first week of its release. Roxanne is renowned for her ability to transform “ho-hum” workplaces into dynamic, results-oriented, “bring-it-on” cultures. If you are not currently receiving the Thank God It’s Monday e-zine and weekly audios, subscribe today at

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choose ‘save link as…’ to save the file to your computer.

Can’t… Have a Hangnail

Monday, July 5th, 2010

* Transcription

Thank God it’s Monday!™ You know the folks… the ones who need to go home early because they have a hangnail. But how about you? How resilient are you when you have a hangnail? Well, we don’t care about the hangnails, but would people describe you as fragile or resilient?

Let’s figure it out.

When you lose a deal, do you A: say, “Not a problem, I’ll get the next one and I KNOW they’ll come back anyway.” B: get bummed out and lose confidence, or C: get demoralized and decide to sort your paperclips for the remainder of the day while you polish your resume?

When your boss tells you that your project missed the mark, do you A: say “Thank you for letting me know. Please tell me all the ways I can improve this because I really need to know.” B: make yet another feeble attempt at fixing it with no input because your ego is bruised, or C: spend the next 20 minutes in the bathroom crying about how unfair your boss is?

When you walk into a break room and hear the conversation stop do you think A: they must be so excited to start a conversation with me that they decided to stop their current topic, B: ask “Waz up?” or C: decide they MUST be talking about how strange I am and go home in tears.

EVEN if the dweebs ARE complaining about you, why would you let them get you down? They are simply unaware that they are displaying their lack of good character since you already know that a complaint tells you more about a complainer than anything else.

If you aren’t scoring A’s right across the board, toughen up. Be a reverse paranoid and assume that EVERYTHING is coming up roses, you actually are ON the side where the grass is greener, and everyone just wants to be YOU!

Have a great Monday!


Roxanne Emmerich’s Thank God It’s Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love climbed to #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list and made the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists—all in the first week of its release. Roxanne is renowned for her ability to transform “ho-hum” workplaces into dynamic, results-oriented, “bring-it-on” cultures. If you are not currently receiving the Thank God It’s Monday e-zine and weekly audios, subscribe today at

Love this audio message? You may also download the MP3 version and PDF transcript below:

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choose ‘save link as…’ to save the file to your computer.

Ain’t No Problem

Monday, June 28th, 2010

* Transcription

Thank God it’s Monday!™ That’s right. There ain’t no problems… only opportunities. The only difference is the results—results you will receive when you choose to see the situation differently.

Labeling something as a problem keeps you stuck. Everybody wants to whine about problems.
Now opportunities on the other hand… well, now THAT poses a great challenge to your intellect and character. That’s why people play games. To win. And now you can reframe your problem into an opportunity. Game on!

So, from now on, whenever that ugly little “problem” word sneaks out of your mouth, retract it and celebrate the fact that you have yet another opportunity to show the world what you’re made of.

Have a great Monday!


Roxanne Emmerich’s Thank God It’s Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love climbed to #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list and made the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists—all in the first week of its release. Roxanne is renowned for her ability to transform “ho-hum” workplaces into dynamic, results-oriented, “bring-it-on” cultures. If you are not currently receiving the Thank God It’s Monday e-zine and weekly audios, subscribe today at

Love this audio message? You may also download the MP3 version and PDF transcript below:

Download Instructions: Right-click the download button(s) and
choose ‘save link as…’ to save the file to your computer.

Can’t Fight City Hall

Monday, May 24th, 2010

* Transcription

Thank God it’s Monday!™ You can’t fight city hall. Maybe you SHOULD fight city hall. But, there are some fights not worth fighting.

Earl Nightingale said that 85 percent of people who are dismissed from their jobs are fired because they can’t get along with other people.

Getting along means accepting people for who they are. Yes, Joe is arrogant. Yes, Julie is self-consumed. And sure enough, Tom is a perfectionist. All that can be true.

Know that you can ASK other people for other behaviors, but you may have to accept that some people, not you of course, aren’t perfect.

Fixing the blame is a futile process. Fixing the relationship is ALL important.

All people have strengths and weaknesses and if the weaknesses don’t violate the core values of your organization, create chaos or bad client experiences, or disrupt due to lack of appropriate professionalism, you may just need to breathe deeply and navigate around those flaws.

Fight fights worth fighting and find the joy in celebrating the good things your teammates bring to the team.

Have a great Monday!


Roxanne Emmerich’s Thank God It’s Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love climbed to #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list and made the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists—all in the first week of its release. Roxanne is renowned for her ability to transform “ho-hum” workplaces into dynamic, results-oriented, “bring-it-on” cultures. If you are not currently receiving the Thank God It’s Monday e-zine and weekly audios, subscribe today at

Love this audio message? You may also download the MP3 version and PDF transcript below:

Download Instructions: Right-click the download button(s) and
choose ‘save link as…’ to save the file to your computer.