Posts Tagged ‘Joy at Work’

The Ten Commandments of Workplace Motivation

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

Unmotivated employees have rightly been called “the black holes of the business universe.”  Fortunately, motivation is not something a person is born with or without.  Applying these Ten Commandments can go a long way to helping existing employees find their motivation. (more…)

How Your TGIM Hoopla Team Will Save Your Company

Friday, May 1st, 2009
© Monkeybusinessimages |

© Monkeybusinessimages |

Admit it. The first time you heard the phrase “Hoopla Team®“—maybe last week, or last month, or ten seconds ago, in that headline—you rolled your eyes. Oh you did so.

But the eyes stop rolling when people hear about the remarkable turnarounds happening across the country when leaders get serious about the transformation of their workplace culture—a transformation that has the Hoopla Team smack dab in the center of it. (more…)

The Power of Positive Presence

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

A friend of mine once told me about a coworker of his from years back. His name was Harry.

Harry was an optimist. My friend passed his office one day and said, “Another rainy day, eh Harry?”—and Harry replied, “Yeah, I just love that sound on the window, don’t you?”

“You know what?” my friend said, laughing. “I did love that sound. Always have. But it took Harry to point it out to me. That was twenty years ago, but ever since that day, I’ve thought of Harry on rainy days and enjoyed the sound on the window.”Harry had given a gift that keeps on giving—the power of positive presence. He simply saw the good and (here’s the key) shared it with others. He didn’t have to do any heavy lifting. He didn’t even create the good thing. He simply revealed the hidden positive that was already in my friend’s heart. (more…)

Going (waaaay) Beyond Customer Satisfaction

Friday, March 20th, 2009
Customer Service is Key

Customer Service is Key

Customer satisfaction.  Now there’s a nice phrase.  It’s so, you know…nice.  Everybody likes to be satisfied.

Heck, everybody likes to be fed, too.  But when’s the last time you picked a restaurant just because they would feed you?  EVERY two-bit restaurant will feed you.  Whoop de doo.

Thing is, just about every business will “satisfy” you, too.  They’ll get your dry cleaning done, your package delivered, your hair cut.  So if just about everybody can step over the low bar of customer “satisfaction,” why do we keep talking about customer satisfaction as if it’s a meaningful goal? (more…)

Creating a Celebration Culture

Wednesday, March 18th, 2009
Credit:  © Monkeybusinessimages|

Credit: © Monkeybusinessimages|

When’s the last time you heard someone say, “The problem with working here is I’m just appreciated way too much?”  Healthy cultures have appreciation and celebration as their cultural backbone. They create an environment in which everyone oohs and aahs over each other’s successes and contributions.

Notice I said EVERYONE, not just managers.  You might convince yourself that the manager who high-fives the top salespeople is just doing his or her job.  But once you get celebration and congratulation flowing from peer to peer, you know you’ve created a celebration culture.

So how do you get there? By creating rituals of celebration. (more…)