Archive for the ‘Leadership’ Category

Does Your Attitude Choose You, or Do You Choose Your Attitude?

Monday, September 19th, 2022

Are you having a good day? Are you creating a great day? See, there’s a question that’s important for all of us to understand— “Do our attitudes chase us down, or do we choose our attitudes?” Well, that’s interesting. You see, every great day is filled with lots of disappointments and a lot of things that go wrong. Every bad day is filled with all kinds of great things that are happening. We determine and call a day a certain way, based upon what we believe to be a list of circumstances. But the reality is that we get to choose our attitude about whatever it is that’s going on. So why don’t you choose better days? Why don’t you decide that every day is an awesome day that’s filled with opportunities for you to learn and grow and to make a difference in the world? Because by choosing a great attitude, probably less bad things will happen because you’re looking for the good things.

How You Can Support Your Team

Monday, August 29th, 2022

How could you be of more service?

I’ll bet that you probably have someone to whom you report who could use a little bit more help. In fact, I bet you could probably help him or her achieve higher and better use of their time. And I’ll bet that you could probably build some systems and make things easier in your department, which would make everyone on your team do better.

How do you step in to make sure that your team supervisor gets all the help that he or she needs to make sure that your team is operating in the most efficient way?

Instead of going into that typical self-consumed thing we do every day where we just look at our own jobs, look around and see how you can support your team lead to make sure that your whole team is winning big.

Be “At Cause”

Monday, July 25th, 2022


John Lavelle said: “Ecstasy is a full deep involvement in life.”

What does that mean? Basically, what he’s saying is be “at cause.” Be the person who sees what needs to get done and then step in and make it happen.

Look at the person who supervises you. I bet they could use some help making things happen. Look at your customers. I bet they have other needs that aren’t being met. Look around everywhere around you. I bet you have coworkers who could really benefit by what you have to offer.

Be at cause so that you can experience the full deep involvement in life. You’re the one who steps in and makes great things happen.

Rise Above Limiting Beliefs

Monday, February 21st, 2022

People never exceed their belief systems.

If you don’t believe you can get premium pricing over what you charge in your company, you’re not going to get premium pricing.

It’s not because somebody else can’t, it just means you’re never going to exceed your belief systems.

You’re never going to exceed your belief systems in terms of your capacity to be successful at work. If you believe you’re only capable of so much, you will fulfill your promise to yourself, sadly.


Our disowned parts…

Monday, February 14th, 2022

What part of you are you projecting on others?

Carl Jung taught us that what we love about other people we love about ourselves. What we dislike about others, speaks highly of the work we need to do on ourselves. Okay, I know you didn’t want to hear that. And yeah, I know you don’t believe it. And yet, psychologist after psychologist has proven that we project our disowned parts of ourselves onto others.

Look around and decide what you don’t like in other people that you work with.

If you had a problem getting along with your boss, it might not have anything to do with your boss, and you might not have had a good relationship with your previous boss and perhaps the boss before that.

If that’s the case, I’ll bet they all look the same. Why? Because these kinds of things are archetypal. In other words, we repeat the same patterns we had before; patterns so foundational to ourselves that we keep seeing them. So, as you listen to people complain about others in your workplace, notice that oftentimes, what people are really complaining about is their disowned parts of themselves.

Own the parts of you that are the ugly

So instead, ask people for what you want directly. Own the parts of you that are the ugly little part of you; that evil twin that comes along to work every day.

As you own that and look at that, it gives you the ability to say, Hmm, okay, I could be doing some work on myself. I’m going to stop making it about others and instead, step into it and realize that it’s my job to decide to love everybody with whom I work.

We still have our lines in the sand asking for what we need, but we can do it with kindness and gentleness, and just create a better awareness as opposed to being upset by it, and then we can stop projecting our disowned parts of ourselves onto others.

I bet we’ll be a whole lot happier being ourselves and being with the people that we’re around.