Archive for the ‘Staying Focused’ Category

Blow expectations sky high with the product of the product

Monday, January 6th, 2014

Imagine that your boss has asked you for something. That “something” is the product. If you give her the product, she will be satisfied.

But “boss satisfaction” is a goal as unworthy as “customer satisfaction.” You don’t want customers who are merely satisfied—you want customers who succeed wildly because of your efforts, so they rave to all of their friends and family about you and your company.

Same thing with the boss. Satisfying him or her is a mediocre response to the challenge of your job. The boss is not likely to go home and say, “Wow, guess what happened today, honey: Steve did what he was supposed to do! Again!”

Instead, when you get a task, see that as the product, and immediately start thinking about how to deliver the result at a higher level. That’s the “product of the product.”

Say that your manager asks you for a file folder. That’s fine, but she doesn’t really need a file folder. She needs what the file folder will produce for her. Suppose she needs it to prepare for a meeting with a client. Wouldn’t it be helpful if, instead of just throwing the file in front of her, you attached a note that said, “FYI, I looked in LinkedIn to find out more about this client and thought you might want to know that this year is the 25th anniversary of their business. And by the way, remember that the last time you talked to him, his daughter was headed off to college.”

THAT’s the product of the product. Don’t just give what is requested. Anticipate what is really needed and deliver on that. That’s what an “A” player does, while a “C” player just delivers the file folder.

See the difference?

So from now on, deliver not just the product, but the product OF the product, and you will be a superstar.

How to Maintain Focus During the Summer

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

The sun is shining and it’s a perfect 75 degrees outside with no clouds in sight. It’s one of those beautiful summer days.

Only you get to experience this day through your office window…

And I know exactly how you feel, especially when the summers here in Minnesota are even more coveted because of the long winters.

You could choose to let this bring you down…not working efficiently, because deep down you really want to be somewhere else…like at the cabin or the beach. But imagine that you learn to take this tantalizing day and use it in your favor?

Chances are you have a ton of stuff that you have got to get done. So why not use this beautiful day as true motivation to being efficient! With everything complete at work, you’ll be able to enjoy the summer without worry. Then, as soon as you leave the office, it’s pure relaxation time!

Learn to commit yourself to the moment you are in. If you’re with the family, be with the family. If you’re at the office, be at the office.

Learn to give your whole self to wherever you are.

Unplug the Day Shredder

Sunday, May 19th, 2013

Lose an hour in the morning, and you will be all day hunting for it.
Richard Whately, Archbishop of Dublin (1787-1863)

This pearl of wisdom was said 150 years before the invention of the worst hour-loser ever invented—email.

Email is the shredder of your workday, and you MUST keep it under control or it will cut your productivity to ribbons.

If your email program is set up to ding whenever a message comes in, it’s hard to keep working. You just have to stop for a second and see what came in, right? And it might be ages before you get back to the original project, if you ever do. By the end of a given day, instead of a solid workday of finished projects, you have a bowl of shredded wheat.

So how do you tame this beast?

First, wait at least 30 minutes before checking your email each morning, and use those 30 minutes to set your priorities for the day, then stick to them. If you want to really turbocharge your day, add another 30 minutes to get started on a substantive project.

Second, schedule email time just like any other activity. Maybe you check it every hour on the hour. Open it, deal with it, close it again. Set a timer if you have to. Or maybe you schedule a 15-minute block every three hours. It doesn’t matter which you do, as long as YOU are calling the tune, not your email program.

Finally, clear your inbox every day. This requires dedicated time—and it’s worth it!

Stay Focused on the Right Things

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

Admit it, we’ve all been guilty of giving the excuse, “I’m WAY too busy,” or “I don’t have time for one more thing.”

Often, if you really thought about it, you’d realize that it’s not that you have too much to do, it’s that you’re spending too much time on the things that don’t matter. You may be “focused” on too much—another way of saying you’re not focused at all.

The people who complain the most that they have too much to do are always the ones best at manufacturing work where none exists as an excuse to not do the most critical things. Like making time to sort the paper clips…

Instead, be in the highest and best use of your time constantly. Start today by doing this:

  • Make a list of everything you plan on doing today.
  • Next, go through the list and cross off anything that’s not critical. Things that don’t generate revenue, directly or indirectly, are almost certainly not critical.
  • Block times for those “big rocks”—projects that need extreme focus, and let the “sand” fill in the rest of your day.
  • Then, stick to the list!

Each of those steps is crucial. Some people make a list and think they’re done. But every day, without exception, you need to REDUCE that list as a next step. Not everything that pops into your head automatically earns a precious block of time today. Move something to tomorrow, or delegate it, or cross it off completely. Then do it again and again, making each task earn its spot, until suddenly your list is reasonable for a single day’s work.

The last step is too often forgotten. Once you make the list and refine it, stick to it! Don’t start improvising around it or allowing yourself to be distracted by shiny objects. Treat it like your one-day strategic plan.

You’ll be amazed at how much you accomplish—so get focused NOW!

Blocking Time

Sunday, February 10th, 2013

How do you structure your work schedule each day? If you’re like most people, you really don’t structure it. Or you open your email in the morning and let IT tell you what to do.

I’ll tell you, there’s no better way to slice and dice your day into hopeless little pieces.

Instead, start every day by blocking time. Scribble a complete list of everything that’s barking for attention. Not everything is equally important – heck, not everything even needs to be done at all. Cross off anything you can forget about or delegate. Next, mark anything that doesn’t have to be worked on today.

Now you’re ready to lay out your schedule for the day.

Block time first for the most important activities. BUT—that doesn’t mean you have to do those things first. In fact, since those are often the most complicated and time-consuming, piling them up in the morning may just guarantee you’ll never finish everything. Instead, scatter those non-negotiables through the day.

You might not be working on the Dickerson project the moment you sit down in the morning, but you know that 10:30 to 12:00 is for the Dickerson project, period. And work on the budget summary is scheduled for 1:00-1:30, the revenue forecast is 3:00-3:45, and the inventory report is 4:15-4:45. Block those projects first, then fill in the gaps between them with negotiables—the things you’d like to finish today, but don’t absolutely have to.

What happens if you need extra time on that budget summary? It bleeds over into the time scheduled for those less important things. Maybe one of the less important items gets bumped to Tuesday. So what? You finished the thing that needed finishing, and you still start the revenue forecast on time.

Now what if you had stacked your non-negotiables at the beginning of the day, and each one took more time than you thought? Now you’ve got crucial things bumping into crucial things. That’s not going to end well. Something important is going to end up unfinished.

It’s like the old story of the jar, the rocks, the pebbles, and the sand. Put the sand in the jar first and there’s no room for the pebbles or rocks. But put in the big rocks first—the most important things—then you can pour the pebbles and the sand into the spaces in between, and everything fits.

Likewise, when you make your daily schedule, block time for the big, important things first, but allow space for the less important things in between. Do this and you’ll never have to tell your boss you were too busy to do what was most important.