Archive for the ‘Workplace Productivity’ Category

Optimal functioning?

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

I grew up as a farm girl. I was all in for being a farm girl and did essentially everything my father did. I milked cows, made fences, plowed fields, bailed hay—anything he could do, I did too.

One of the things I learned is that when you “balance the ration” for a cow—code for deciding how much of which grains, legumes, and nutrients she received—it made a predictable and profound impact on optimizing her milk production. A little bit of supplemented selenium added to the ration would dramatically improve milk production by maybe 10 or 20 percent almost immediately.

A tweak of a pinch of selenium can make that big of a difference? It can indeed.


Close enough is rarely good enough

Monday, April 26th, 2021

When I graduated from college to start my first job, one of the things that I had to learn was how to be accurate. In college, they let you get by with things. You don’t have to check your work. If you are close enough, that’s good enough.

But I discovered very quickly in that first job that people count on everything we do being 100% accurate. That was a brutal new reality for which I wasn’t the least bit prepared.


Master What Matters

Monday, July 20th, 2020

What’s the true purpose of your job? If you really understand not the busy activities but instead, the profound purpose of your job, then you can align to what matters most.

What are the top 10% activities that must be done in an extraordinary way to create 50-80% of the results that you create? Because when you figure that out and align to it, you become a master of your job.

Too many people do not question the activities of their jobs to make sure that they’re in the highest and best use of their time and that it aligns with the purpose of the job. Have a conversation with your team lead. Ask the lead what the purpose really is of the job and suggest what you think are the most important things. Get alignment and then achieve mastery by going after it with every cell in your body.

Choosing Joy can be Addictive… Here’s How You Can Get Yourself Hooked.

Sunday, June 14th, 2020

Woohoo, where’s the party? I’m all dressed up for New Year’s Eve. I’ve been trapped with the COVID capture for a long time, and I haven’t been out either. Yet it occurs to me that we can either be morose about the circumstances, or we can decide to be in a state of celebration. Why celebrate? Because we have air to breathe. We have good people we get to work with. We get to be of service to the world. We get to bring joy into everything that we do. It’s how we perceive the world and what we bring to it that really matters because joy is not something that needs great things in order to happen.

I don’t know about you, but I was not raised with a silver spoon in my mouth. I, in fact, grew up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin, and there was hardly enough food growing up. And we just barely eked out a living. So my recollection of growing up is that we were happy. We were joyful. We loved each other. We had a lot of fun. We had fun with neighbors. We made the best of circumstances.

So during tough economic times, it isn’t the end of the world. It’s like winter, you put on a winter coat, but you still go out. But while you’re going out, why not have some fun? Keep the joy in your spirit, decide to make life a party because you can choose misery or you can choose joy. It’s your choice.

Linking the Chain: Team Accountability Starts With You

Sunday, June 7th, 2020

Are you the kind of person who needs to “have” in order to “do”? Well, what does that mean? Well, there are people who basically will tell you many times, “I couldn’t do that thing because I didn’t have what I needed from someone else.” Well, welcome to planet Earth. People will let you down. It’s not an excuse for you not to produce the result. At that point, are you being resourceful? Are you finding out how to get to that person to get what you need? Are you setting up camp at their doorstep? Are you working around them, because you ultimately gave your word to go get something else done?

In life, you don’t always have what you need in order to do what you need to do. After this COVID crisis, we know that we’ll probably not see customers walk in our doors the way that they used to in the past. If we have a “need to have in order to do” personality and mindset, that’s going to be a real hold up to our career, because the reality is now we get to figure out a way to go call on people, add massive value, which means we get to figure out how to do that. We get to figure out the skills in order to be good at it when we do it, and we get to, not have to, but get to, be resourceful in making it happen. Give up the habit, in order to do, don’t ever say to your supervisor, “I didn’t get it done because of somebody else.” If they let you down, step in, get it done, move it along. Be a person of resourcefulness.